El príncipe Harry asiste a la Maratón de Londres en la cuenta regresiva para ser padre - 800Noticias

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Todos los ojos están puestos sobre él y sobre su esposa, Meghan Markle, ante la llegada de su primer hijo, pero el príncipe Harry, ajeno a la idea de convertirse en centro de la noticia y en el foco de los medios de comunicación, continúa con su vida y, sobre todo, con sus compromisos profesionales.

El hijo del príncipe de Gales es el encargado de entregar las medallas y reunirse con un grupo de voluntarios, tal y como suele hacer en otros eventos de esta índole, de ahí que su presencia en este acto casi se diera por hecho.

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Today, The Duke of Sussex, Patron of The London Marathon Charitable Trust, attended the 2019 @LondonMarathon where he cheered on runners, thanked volunteers for their selfless support, and congratulated the winners. The Duke has been Patron of the Trust since 2012 because he believes that mental fitness is absolutely crucial to our wellbeing. These runners not only set a goal for themselves personally and emotionally, but the majority of runners choose to raise money for charity. It’s the perfect fusion of doing something good for yourself while doing good for others. The joyful atmosphere created by locals, tourists, families and friends speaks to the spirit of what community is all about – supporting one another, even complete strangers. The @LondonMarathon is the biggest one-day fundraising event on the planet. This year’s Marathon will see the total raised for charity surpass a record-breaking £1 billion. So for every runner, volunteer, sponsor and member of the public that has played a part in making today a success – thanks a billion! Photo cred: PA

Una publicación compartida de The Duke and Duchess of Sussex (@sussexroyal) el

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